你的房租总是在每月的第一天到期. Your rent is late as of midnight on the first day of the month, but we give you a grace period until the 5th day of the month. If your rent is 不 received in our office by 5:00pm on the 5th day of the month then your account will automatically be charged a late fee of $75 (unless your lease has a不her late fee provision). 这笔滞纳金与你的租金一起支付. -
出于安全考虑,不接受现金支付. 激活您的在线门户! You should have received an email to setup and activate your online portal, please remember to check your junk/spam mail folder if you have 不 received it. 您也可以给我们发电子邮件 info@billmaloneyhomes.com 请求访问. 请在邮件中注明您的姓名和新地址. We will email or text you with a login to your own secure tenant portal. You will create a password and can start paying right away:- 电子支票($ 1.00) / Credit Card (Convenience Fee) - You can login to our website qa.billmaloneyhomes.com and click on RESIDENT LOGIN and pay online as well as view your account balance. 有关更多细节,请参阅附件的租金付款表.
- Electronic Cash Payments - We can provide you a reusable PayNearMePayslip you take to 7-Eleven or CVS Pharmacies to pay rent in cash. 这是3美元.99交易费.
You should 不ify our accounts receivables department IMMEDIATELY by calling our office at 484-328-3282. Failure to communicate with our office can and will typically cause you to be forwarded to the attorney’s office for an eviction. -
How do I report a repair, which needs to be done in my home?
给Del Val发一封“维护请求”的邮件, or you may call 484-328-3282 and be connected to the 维护 Department, 虽然我们更喜欢电子邮件/网络请求.
如果你下班后有急事, 下班后打电话给最新靠谱的足球外围推荐靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐公司, you will be connected with an after-hours person who can dispatch a vendor. This is for PROPERTY THREATENING EMERGENCIES ONLY, 不 regular maintenance calls. Please call Del Val rather than repairing a maintenance problem yourself, as, 法律规定的特殊情况除外, you will 不 be allowed to deduct costs of repair from your rent. 如果有问题, 是你还是你的客人造成的, 比如不合适的东西被冲进了厕所, 你将被收取修理费用. -
Will Del Val 物业靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐 (Del Val) 不ify me when a repair person is coming to my home?
德尔瓦尔会给你24小时的入场通知, unless you agree to allow Del Val’s vendor to enter your home on an as-available basis. 你不需要出席, 但你必须提供回家的通道, 适当通知, 用于维修. There is no requirement for Del Val to give you 不ice if there is a suspected emergency, 比如水管爆裂. -
When I move out, how can I get my security deposit back? Can I use my security deposit for my last month of rent?
Security deposits are NOT to be used instead of payment of rent, since the purpose of a security deposit is to pay for any damage caused by the tenant or their guests. 如果你不付房租的话, 包括你在这里的最后一个月, 你将面临驱逐程序. You are entitled to an accounting of your security deposit as well as the appropriate refund, 在你搬出公寓后的30天内. -
Can’t get in to my unit, I lost my keys, what should I do?
You can call a locksmith at your own expense or can call the office during business hours to pick up a spare key at an extra charge. -
My roommate wants to move out, but I want to stay, what should I do?
This is a very common situation and there are 2 ways to address it. 1) You can replace your current roommate with a new one: This new roommate will need to fill out a complete application, send in their most recent month of paystubs and 2 forms of ID to be screened. 如果它们被批准,则进行更改. 2) You want to keep the unit by yourself: You will need to send in your most recent month of paystubs showing that you can afford that unit by yourself. If approved, then your roommate will be removed from the lease. In both cases the security deposit is handling between the roommates as the office won’t release any deposit unless all roommates move out. -
I want to change the color of the paint in my unit and make other changes, may I do this?
As part of the lease agreement, renovations made by a tenant are only permissible with Del Val的书面批准. 你可能, 当然, 把你选择的画挂在墙上, 只要您在腾出设备时修复这些孔. This rule against renovation without permission applies to all renovations, 包括更换地毯或其他地板, 安装内置电器, 等. Please do 不 affix a satellite dish or other antenna to the roof, 未经事先许可, 因为你要为屋顶的损坏负责. -
我们的大多数单位都是 不 pet friendly so your first step will be to call the office and find out if the building is pet friendly. The office will inform you right away if this is possible or 不. -
I want to add an additional person to the lease, what do I do?
You should contact the office and the new occupant will need to fill out an application and send in 2 forms of ID and their most recent month of pay stubs. 如果获得批准,那么它们将被添加到租约中. -
If it’s a one-year lease you are responsible for the duration of the lease. Your first step is to inform the office; we’ll start advertising your unit to try to get a suitable replacement. Once we find a tenant you will be responsible for the rent of the unit until the date the new tenant moves in and of the entire administrative fee incur in the rental of the unit. -
We have prepared a short video on how you can pay your rent/fees within our software. If you have 不 logged into our software called Buildium, please let us know so we can assist you.